List to be updated and completed
Programma il Futuro (Italy)
The Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research (MIUR) and CINI – Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (a consortium made up of all Italian research universities active in Informatics) agreed in March 2014 to launch the Programma il Futuro project to change the way informatics is taught in primary and secondary Italian schools, so as to enable their transition into the future digital school, as foreseen by the teaching reform recently approved by the Italian government.
Computing at School (United Kingdom)
The mission of Computing At School (CAS) is to provide leadership and strategic guidance to all those involved in Computing education in schools. The aim is for Computing with computer science at its heart, to become firmly established in all primary and secondary schools, alongside mathematics and the natural sciences and to support all teachers committed to providing high quality computing education for their pupils.
The U.S. Initiative CS for All
The CS for All initiative, launched by President Barack Obama on January 30, 2016, could be seen as the culmination of earlier work on CS education supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the CS Principles course launched by the College Board, the extensive work of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), and efforts by ACM, by, and by many others. Within ACM, the efforts included work on policy matters by the Education Policy Committee, harnessing the invaluable support of major industrial players through Computing in the Core (which has now merged with the Advocacy Coalition), lobbying on Capitol Hill, as well as actions from groups with members in the ACM Education Council.