Rome Declaration

An important outcome of the Informatics for All coalition was the issuing of a declaration to national and international institutions to draw attention to the role that these institutions might play in the promotion of Informatics for All.

If you would like to support our Rome Declaration, please have your organization sign it. We now have more than 270 institutional signatures!

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We, the members of the “Informatics for All” coalition

  • Considering that early knowledge of scientific principles is necessary to prepare citizens to be able to take informed decisions about their future
  • Considering that society is becoming increasingly digital
  • Considering that the discipline known as Informatics (or Computer Science) is the scientific core of the digital society, shapes the digital world, and explains how it works and evolves

CALL upon all European national and international institutions

To exercise their moral suasion power so that the principles of Informatics are included as part of school curricula at all levels.


  • Considering that any school subject at any level assumes decades of field trials to determine the best teaching methods and the appropriate accompanying teaching material
  • Considering that the speed of growth of digital technologies in society does not allow Informatics to follow this course

CALL upon the European Commission and other European funding agencies

To fund research on Informatics education methods, materials, and teacher training, to teach Informatics both as a distinct subject and across all subjects.


  • Considering that the Council of the European Union Recommendation “Key Competences for Lifelong Learning” is highly influential across all school systems in Europe
  • Considering that such a recommendation describes “Mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering” but only makes reference to the “natural world”

CALL upon the Council of the European Union

To complete such a document by making reference to “natural and digital world”.

Rome, March 21st, 2019.

See the list of signatures

If you would like to support our Rome Declaration, please have your organization sign it

If you are interested in the activities of the Informatics for All coalition please contact us